Check your FIVER now – it could be worth £100+
Last week the Bank of England launched its first ever plastic banknote. And they are already fetching HUNDREDS of pounds online.

An Ebay listing of an AA Serial number Banknote with bids in excess of £100
The notes have already proved popular with the public, but now they might even be worth a LOT more than £5.
The new £5 notes are printed on Polymer – a thin and flexible plastic material. This means that these new notes are cleaner, safer and stronger than paper notes and feature added security features.

Polymer £5 Banknotes were released into circulation last week
Now’s the time to check your fiver to see if you have one of the first notes to be printed!
The first banknotes to be printed will carry a serial number starting with AA01 and will then be followed by a six-digit number.
The serial number of the first note printed is AA01 000001 which was given as a gift to the Queen.
440million of the notes have been printed and distribution into banks and cash machines is expected to be completed by the end of next week. There are 999,999 new fivers with the AA01 prefix, so you never know, there’s still a chance to find one with a special serial number.
On 3rd October, the Bank of England is auctioning off a batch of low serial number banknotes. The lowest number Bank of England polymer £5 available to the public is expected to fetch a staggering £800 – £1200 at the charity event.

This banknote is expected to fetch between £800 and £1200 for charity
So dig out that brand new fiver you’ve been keeping safe and see if you’ve won the low serial number lottery! You could be carrying a fortune around in your wallet!
I have £5 with AS 30 is it worth much more than face value ?
I have an AA29 serial number on my 5 pound note with the 5’s under the queens head off line and I’m curious to know what it could be worth… any help would be greatly appreciated (:
Got one with AK047545442 is it worth anything
I have got AA05 and AA09 are these worth anything
I have a £5 note starting with AK 31 is it worth anything more than it’s face value
Hi I’ve got a new five pound note with the code AA17 but how do I find out if it’s worth any thing
I got new 5 pound al01 628061 how much is it worth
I have a 5 pound note with numerous starting ak40 is it worth anything
I have AK47 924817 AK 094492 AK 15084643 are they worth anything
I will buy ak47 for 15 pond
I have a new 5 pound note. AA 01095714. AA 05090719.AA10448563.AA 22096068.AA 46072432. AC 01335009 AC 01335010… Worth any comment please???
Hello, AA01 is the serial number that was fetching hundreds of pounds. You could probably put it on eBay to see what bids you get. Unfortunately i don’t know what it is likely to fetch. Thanks, Yasmin
I have an AK 47 last four 1981 could this be worth something.
It’s probably worth putting on eBay to see what bids you get. Unfortunately i don’t know what it is likely to fetch. Thanks, Yasmin
I have a “AA59 395301” and a “AK272011 47” have these any worth?!
Hi is my £5 notes worth anything
AA41 143201
AK48 090166
Hi is my five pound note worth anything
AA34 140920
AA11 has this got any value?
I have an AA03. AA07. AA13. AA15. AA35. AA45. AA55. Spend or keep??
I have a new fiver sn: aa4166 is it worth anything?
I have an AA 01 , AA 46 worth anygin comment please
How much his my A32334929 worth
How much is my AA32334929
Hi I have new £5 note how AB09 177602 is this worth much please?? Thanks x
Hi there, I’ve got a AA03 and an AA45 new £5 notes, what could I ask for the first one and what could I ask for the second one, I don’t know about these new notes but is an AA03 worth more than the £5 itself…thanks.
i have AE31 545477 is this worth anything
is there a greater value on my new fiver with the serial AA43 567069?
Is my AA18 worth any thing
Iv got a ae37 586313
Wot can I get for it
I have a ae37 586313
Wot can I get for that
I’ve got AJ23 070222
Hi I’ve got AA09 how much is that worth
I have a fiver with ak20 373524
Hi i have a 5 pound note beginnfing with AC01 460726 is it worth anything
Hi I have a new £5 note an it has AA40 150245 is it worth anythin? Thankyou
I have AA21, AK38, AK45 does any one know it there worth anything.
are my five pound notes worth anything they are an ak40 and a aj15
I have 3 AA01 181245/ 247/ much could I get
I have AA02 and AA14 are they worth anything
I have AA02 AA14 what are they worth
hi I’ve got AB33 210486, any chance its worth more than a fiver?
Was your AB33 note worth much?? I have an AB09 one and was wondering if you have any answer on this?? Thanks.
I have a Ak47 new 5 pound note how much could it go for?
AA02 148891is that worth more than a fiver
Ive got a 5 pound new note wiv ak 19 on it whats it worth
Is serial number starting AK02 worth anything? Thanks Victoria Mckenzie
AK40 902738 is my note rare (5pound
Aa59 worth anything
Have 5 pound note AA22 is it collecter value more than £5
AA05 633693 is this worth anything
IVE GOT AK37779662 worth anything ?
Is my 5 pound note aa22 094579 worth anything thx
I got AA09 260943? Is it worth it?
Mine is AA19 592314 is it worth anything? X
Is my AA43 646302 £5 note worth anything? Thanks
Is my AA46 173898 £5 note worth anything plz? Xx
I have a 5 pound note serial number Ak45 106994 is it worth more than a 5