£1 mis-strikes make headline news

Since it’s introduction in 2017, the 12 sided £1 coin has made front page news time and again from members of the public spotting mis-struck £1 coins in their change.

A handful of 12-sided £1 coins
A handful of 12-sided £1 coins

However, it’s important to be aware that these headlines can vastly overstate the scale of the problem.

In 2017, 1.5 billion £1 coins were struck – that’s 30 coins a second – so it’s inevitable that some variances have occurred during the striking process, affecting a small number of coins.

But remember, mis-strikes and variances are not the same as genuine errors. Here are some of the £1 mis-strikes that have been reported…

The ‘Melt in the middle’ £1

This £1 coin, found in Birmingham by Sarah O’Donoghue, was thought to have melted in the middle, causing the Bi-Metallic parts of the coin to bleed into one another. However, this isn’t actually the case and is in fact likely to be because of a ‘bad’ or misaligned blank being used leading to this particular mis-strike.

Found by Sarah O’Donoghue in her change in Birmingham. Image Credit: The Sun

This particular mis-struck £1 coin, and a few others that have been found recently, are undoubtedly numismatic curiosities. Whilst they make for interesting collection, it’s likely that these coins will fetch little more than face value if put up for sale. However, the minting process is never completely exempt from human error, so it is worth checking your change carefully.

“It is very unlikely that there is a serious problem with the new £1 coins. With the large amount of coins that were struck ready for the launch in 2017, it is inevitable that there will be some variances among a small number of the £1 coins. With the coins causing excitement in the press and more people than ever checking their change, these mis-strikes are cropping up more than usual.” – Ian Glen (Change Checker Managing Director)

The ‘polo’ pound

There have also been reports of 12-sided £1 coins missing the middle section of the coin – BUT, collectors should beware...

John Taylor, of Crystal Palace, South London, paid £30 for one missing a centre on eBay. Image Credit: The Sun

As a word of warning to those wanting to get hold of one of these coins, don’t be fooled into spending more than you need to.

It’s relatively easy to prize the two parts of metal apart by freezing the coin and using a chisel to knock the middle section out.

Ultimately these mis-strikes are unlikely to make anyone rich, but they are undoubtedly very interesting and would make an exciting addition to any coin collection. 

Find out about all the the differences that have been spotted in the 12 sided £1 here.

As we mentioned earlier, mis-strikes are not the same as genuine errors. BUT there are some errors to be aware of, such as the dual dated £1.

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  1. Jones on May 6, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    I have found a 10p coin with a cannon on it and the words the great siege on in 1773-1783 isd it worth anything ?

  2. Tom Liddle on May 5, 2017 at 8:55 am

    What about the coins with a part of the middle missing ?
    Also getting off this subject I have bought a silver medal that was given to the staff of R M in1977 for the jubilee,how do I find out if this is true ?
    Thank you,

    • Yasmin Britton on May 8, 2017 at 2:10 pm

      Hi Tom, I would suggest sending it to They Royal Mint for authentication. Hope this helps. Thanks, Yasmin

      • Tom Liddle on May 9, 2017 at 11:37 am

        Hi Yasmin,Thank you I will do just that.

  3. Steve on May 4, 2017 at 1:26 pm