The 2019 Gruffalo and Mouse 50p

Have you heard the story about the mouse who took a walk in the deep dark wood and ended up on a Gruffalo® 50p coin?

Following on from the original 2019 Gruffalo 50p, the second coin to feature the monstrous character also includes the wonderfully cunning Mouse from Julia Donaldson’s book.

This mouse might be small in stature, but the Gruffalo and Mouse 50p coin beautifully captures the full details of the brave little character from the nation’s favourite bedtime story.

2019 Brilliant Uncirculated The Gruffalo and The Mouse 50p

The reverse of the coin was created by Magic Light Pictures, who also designed the first coin, released in February 2019.

Since The Royal Mint announced a second Gruffalo coin, collectors were were wondering what might feature on the new coin – from the fox to the owl and all the creatures that live in the deep dark wood.

But I’m sure you’ll agree that the choice to feature the Mouse resulted in a fantastic coin designed to illustrate the classic story of The Gruffalo.

In recent years, 50ps themed around children’s literature have inspired a whole new generation of collectors, with new coin releases appealing to families, youngsters and fans of books, as well as traditional collectors.

The Gruffalo is no exception, and the release of the first coin at the start of 2019 sparked huge excitement across the UK.

So much so in fact, that the Silver Proof version of the coin SOLD OUT at The Royal Mint in just a few hours!

2019 Silver Proof The Gruffalo® 50p SOLD OUT at The Royal Mint

With over 13.5 million copies of The Gruffalo sold worldwide, the collectability of this coin is undeniable and I’m sure that collectors will be keen to get their claws on this one (warts and all!)


  1. John Perrott on November 13, 2019 at 12:16 pm

    If you’re going to rebrand then I suggest you call it the Commemorative Coin Shop given the restricted number of real coins issued for genuine public use. Meanwhile I’m removing commemorative coins from My Collection and selling them on. Change Checker was such a positive and enjoyable thing and a shame it’s been turned to money grubbing.

    • Rachel Hooper on November 14, 2019 at 8:30 am

      Hi John, unfortunately we have no control over which coins enter circulation and we too feel the frustration at not being able to find some of the latest releases in our change, as this is what Change Checker is all about. We’re trying to make things a little easier for collectors with our Face Value Coin Ballot, which you can sign up to for the chance to own the latest UK 50p and £2 coin releases and their face value:

  2. Steve on October 29, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    Hi Rachel,
    How can I get hold of a 2018 Shield 50p ?

    • Rachel Hooper on October 30, 2019 at 8:31 am

      Hi Steve, the 2018 Shield wasn’t issued for circulation, but was issued in the annual coin set. Unfortunately we have sold out of this set, but you might be able to come across one on the secondary market or Facebook coin groups.

      • Steve on October 30, 2019 at 5:20 pm

        Thanks Rachel

  3. Sally on October 28, 2019 at 7:51 pm

    I have the sherlock Holmes
    Coin is it worth anything

    • Rachel Hooper on October 29, 2019 at 11:25 am

      Hi Sally, that’s a really lovely coin! We don’t know the mintage figures for it yet as it has only been released this year, so we don’t know how rare it is yet. It certainly seems to be popular with collectors though.

  4. Craig on October 18, 2019 at 11:30 am

    Rachel, how many people have applied for the face value ballot? Can you give that information? I haven’t been succesful yet, maybe one day.
    Do you think there will be subsequent Gruffalo releases to make a set like Potters?

    • Rachel Hooper on October 18, 2019 at 12:04 pm

      Hi Craig, unfortunately I’m not able to say how many people have entered the ballot, however I wish you the best of luck for the next one. It would be great if there were a series of Gruffalo coins! And I suppose there are more characters that could feature on the coins. The Gruffalo’s Child would be a great one! We don’t know if there will be more to come, but we can hope!

  5. Tony on October 17, 2019 at 5:23 pm

    Very nice. Yet of course, it will not necessarily be Change Checkers excited about this coin, as they will be unable to check their change for it! Alas, The Great British Coin Hunt is becoming The Great British Coin Shop.

  6. Andrew Bailey on October 17, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    What a surprise yet another commemorative 50p that wont be entering circulation .

  7. Reginald Sewrey on October 17, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    Again the Mint churning out a commemerative saturating the market with coins overpriced which will just end up in drawers and never become of any value whatsoever
    When will ever stop and act like the national mint it used to be

  8. Jim on October 17, 2019 at 11:49 am

    I’ve just won your Face Value ballot and ordered mine from you straightaway: Didn’t think I’d ever win one: Brilliant!!

    • Rachel Hooper on October 18, 2019 at 9:17 am

      Fantastic! Congrats Jim!