Look out – Three Ice Age Giants Come Back to Life on UK Coins!

The Ice Age Giants Collection is the latest addition in the Tales of the Earth Series, featuring three brand new UK 50ps, each designed to bring prehistoric creatures back to life!

The Tales of the Earth series as a whole is dedicated to celebrating ancient life on our planet, offering collectors a glimpse into a world that existed thousands of years ago, and the Ice Age Giants 50ps take us all the way back to the Ice Age.

The series is kicking off with one of the most majestic Ice Age creatures – the mighty Steppe Mammoth!

2024 UK Mammoth 50p

Designed by renowned paleo-artist Robert Nicholls in collaboration with the Natural History Museum, the reverse design on the 2024 UK Mammoth 50p captures the awe-inspiring presence of this extinct giant in intricate detail.

The Steppe Mammoth 50p is the first in the Ice Age Giants Collection

In the centre of the design, the Steppe Mammoth faces us head on, with its huge curved tusks, colossal trunk and thick fur. If you look closely, you’ll also see a scientifically accurate illustration of a Steppe Mammoth skeleton in the foreground of the design.

Did you know?
The Steppe Mammoth was the largest mammoth species to ever walk the earth, reaching heights of 14 feet and weighing 10 tonnes! Like many other Ice Age giants, the Steppe Mammoth went extinct around 200,000 years ago. The reasons for their extinction are still debated, but it’s likely due to a combination of climate change and competition with other species for resources.

Secure the 2024 UK Mammoth 50p for your collection >>

Still to come in the Ice Age Giants Collection

The Steppe Mammoth 50p is just the beginning! The Ice Age Giants Collection will feature three coins in total, each showcasing a different Ice Age giant. Still to come in the collection are the Giant Deer 50p and the Woolly Rhino 50p which are available to pre-order now!

Continue your Tales of the Earth 50p Collection

You can secure the 2024 UK Mammoth 50p for your collection now for just £5.99 (+p&p) >>

Pre-order the Woolly Rhino 50p >>
Pre-order the Giant Deer 50p >>

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