£2 coin enters circulation! 2021 Mintage Figures Revealed…

The Royal Mint has JUST revealed the mintage figures for all UK circulation coins and it confirms a £2 coin entered circulation!

It’s fantastic to see that a £2 coin entered circulation in 2021 – the Britannia £2!

So, we’ve updated our £2 Mintage Figure chart to show you where this new coin ranks…

New £2 Coin in Circulation

We wouldn’t normally combine definitive and commemorative mintage figures into one chart, however the comparative figures give us an interesting insight into the diversity of the change in our pocket.

2021 UK Mintage Figures Reveal Britannia £2 entered circulation
2021 UK Mintage Figures Reveal Britannia £2 entered circulation

The Britannia £2 coin entered circulation in 2021, after a 4 year break.

6,045,000 entered circulation, meaning we stand a good chance of finding one in our change!

And, it looks as though we have some 2021 dated definitive coins to hunt down in our change…

  • Nations of the Crown £1: 21,760,000
  • Royal Shield 20p: 19,600,000
  • Royal Shield 10p: 71,200,000
  • Royal Shield 5p: 28,000,000
  • Royal Shield 2p: 117,700,000
  • Royal Shield 1p: 56,000,000

50p Mintage Figures

Sadly, no 50p coins entered circulation in 2021, meaning our mintage figure chart won’t be updated until we get the confirmed mintages for the 2022 50p coins.

2022 Mintage Figures show no new 50p coins entered circulation

The coins you should be looking out for in your change include the 2009 Kew Gardens 50p, 2018 Peter Rabbit and Flopsy Bunny 50p coins, the 2018 Mrs Tittlemouse 50p, and the 2017 Royal Shield 50p.

The 2009 Kew Gardens 50p
2009 Kew Gardens 50p
2018 Peter Rabbit 50p
2018 Peter Rabbit 50p

What about the Olympic 50ps?

In 2012, the Olympic 50p coins entered circulation and it kick-started a collecting frenzy across the nation.

It’s estimated that around 75% of these coins have been removed from circulation by collectors which means they are incredibly sought-after, especially considering these 50ps have some of the lowest mintage figures in circulation…

Many of the Olympic 50ps have a mintage less than 2,000,000 with the rarest (the Olympic Football 50p) having a mintage of just 1,125,500. See the full mintage figures for these coins here >>

The 2012 Olympic 50p coin.

Taking these rare 50ps into consideration, the 2018 Peter Rabbit and Flopsy Bunny coins would sit in joint sixth position, below the Kew Gardens, Football, Wrestling, Judo and Triathlon 50ps.

Have you been lucky enough to find any of the 2021 circulation coins in your change?

It’s always exciting when new mintage figures are revealed and you realise just how rare the change in your pocket really is!

If you’re interested in coin collecting, our Change Checker web app is completely free to use and allows users to:

– Find and identify the coins in their pocket
– Collect and track the coins they have
– Swap their spare coins with other Change Checkers

So, sign-up here for FREE >>

It’ll only take you a minute…

Less than 5 million Canadian $2 coins commemorating Queen Elizabeth II to enter circulation

Serving as Canada’s Head of State for 7 decades, Queen Elizabeth II has been commemorated on a new $2 coin.

Just shy of 5 million $2 coins entered circulation in December 2022, giving Canadian collectors a special way of remembering Her Majesty.

When you consider Canada’s population is over 38 million, you’ll appreciate just how sought-after this coin is.

I’ve successfully secured a limited allocation of these unique coins with my supplier in Canada.

However, you’ll need to act fast if you don’t want to miss this chance to add this coin to your collection.

Get your 2022 Canadian $2 Honouring Queen Elizabeth II for just £4.99, by clicking here >>

The obverse features the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, created by Susanna Blunt and the reverse features the traditional $2 Polar Bear design by Brent Townsend.

But, what makes this $2 coin extra special is the outer ring

The outer ring features a striking black nickel finish and is reminiscent of a mourning band, in a touching tribute to Her Majesty.

Canadian Queen Elizabeth II $2 coin.
Showing Queen Elizabeth II portrait on the obverse and the traditional $2 Polar Bear design on the reverse.
The outer ring is coloured with an unusual black nickel finish.
New Queen Elizabeth II $2 with black nickel outer ring. Credit: Royal Canadian Mint

We won’t be able to find this coin in our UK change so if you’re wanting to secure this sought-after coin for collection, you’ll need to click here.

In December, 4.9 million UK Queen Elizabeth II Memorial 50ps also entered circulation in the UK.

9.6 million in total are allocated for circulation, meaning 1 in 70 of us will be able to find one!

To help increase your chances of finding one in your change, we created an interactive map of where the coins were being found. We’ve tracked it up and down the country thanks to your help!

Queen Elizabeth II memorial coins are now some of the most sought-after collectables out there.

With such limited stock available, demand for these Canadian $2 coins is sure to exceed supply.

Own the 2022 Canadian $2 Honouring Queen Elizabeth II

Secure your Queen Elizabeth II Canadian $2 coin for just £4.99 (+p&p) here >>

Last Coins of the Queen feature Special Privy Mark

2022 is likely a year no collector will forget.

We celebrated a Platinum Jubilee, mourned the loss of our Queen and welcomed a new monarch to the throne.

And, as ever, these extraordinary moments are retold through our UK coins.

To commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s incredible life and reign, an official UK Memorial coin set was released. The set featured the eight definitive coins from 2022, alongside the Memorial 50p and £5 with the King’s portrait.

2022 UK Queen Elizabeth II MEmorial Definitive Coin Set - with special privy mark.
Featuring the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, and 50p royal shield designs
the commemorative.
Privy Mark on Last Queen Coins
2022 UK Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Definitive Coin Set – with special privy mark.

Last UK Coins of Queen Elizabeth II

Importantly, the definitive coins in this set were the last in the UK to feature Her Majesty’s portrait.

What’s more, each definitive obverse design also featured a special privy mark to show the Queen’s year of birth and year of passing – a never-before-seen feature for these coins, which added to their collectability.

Never seen before special memorial privy mark
Never seen before special memorial privy mark

Since Her Majesty’s passing, we saw incredible demand for QE II coins. Both historic and new issues. Recent releases continuously sold out at The Royal Mint and older issues became increasingly scarce as the nation rushed to secure keepsakes and lasting tributes for the Queen.

And this set was no exception, with both the Brilliant Uncirculated and limited precious metal versions completely selling out in just 1 day!

Pay tribute to Her Late Majesty with the UK QEII Memorial £5

You can own the 2022 Queen Elizabeth II Memorial £5 in Brilliant Uncirculated quality here >>