What’s your favourite A-Z 10p coin design of the year 2018?


We’re on the hunt for the best Coin Design of 2018 as part of the 2018 Change Checker Awards and we need your help! With over 50 new coins released this year, we’ve decided to shortlist the coins by denomination and then determine one overall winner from the top 10p, 50p, £2 and £5 coins as voted by Change Checkers!

A-Z 10p Coins

We start the voting with the 26 A-Z of Great Britain 10p coins which had a surprise release in March 2018 and have proved incredibly popular amongst collectors, yet notoriously tricky to find in circulation… 2.6 million were originally released back in March and now a further 2.6 million have been released, so they should start turning up in our change soon!

But which A-Z 10p coin is your favourite?

Cast your vote now using the poll at the bottom of the page and find out more about the different A-Z coins below!



With 26 beautiful designs to choose from, it’s not easy picking a favourite, but we’re looking forward to finding out which A-Z 10p coin is top amongst Change Checkers.

The winning 10p will then be entered into our Coin Design of the Year vote as part of the 2018 Change Checker Awards, alongside the top 50p, £2 and £5 coins from 2018 to determine which coin should be crowned the overall winner!

The voting has now closed and the results can be found below:



It’s now time for you to vote for your overall winner, shortlisted from Change Checker’s favourite A-Z 10p, 50p, £2 and £5 coin of the year.

Click here to find out which coins made the top 4 and to cast your vote for the overall Coin Design of the Year 2018.


View our full range of A-Z 10p coins and collecting packs here >>


How rare is my £5 coin?

You may have noticed we’ve been talking about £5 coins a lot over the past few weeks and lots of collectors have been asking how rare their £5 coins are. 

The £5 coin was first issued in 1990 as a replacement for the commemorative crown with a face value of 25p. They are usually reserved to commemorate significant British anniversaries and are a favourite among collectors as they are not intended for general circulation.

Using current Royal Mint figures we have put together three graphs where you can see just how rare your commemorative crown is, from the 1972 Silver Wedding Crown to the Brilliant Uncirculated Coronation £5 in 2013.

The differences in the mintage figures really are remarkable. Take a look below and see just how rare your £5 coin actually is.

The first crown ever to be issued was the 1972 Silver Wedding Coin and incidentally this is the rarest 25p UK coin from the Royal Mint with a mintage of 7,452,100.  This 1972 crown was the first British coin to have a face value of 25 pence; previous crowns had been Five Shillings face value. Also, for the first time in modern times, the obverse did not incorporate a date, but merely bore the Queen’s name and titles surrounding her portrait.

Charles £5

The £5 coin with the lowest mintage in the history of UK £5 coins, is the circulated 2008 Prince Charles 60th Birthday £5 coin. Just 14,088 circulated quality coins were struck by the Royal Mint in 2008 to mark the 60th birthday of Prince Charles. The coins inscription ICH DIEN means ‘I serve’ and is taken from the Badge of the Prince of Wales.



* Individual Royal Mint BU Pack sales figures only


Out of the Brilliant Uncirculated £5 coins sold in individual The Royal Mint Packs, the 2014 Queen Anne £5 is the rarest. This coin has a mintage of just 12,181 and was struck to mark the 300th anniversary since the death of  Queen Anne.The design bears an elegant portrait of Queen Anne, styled by Mark Richards FRBS as an eighteenth-century miniature.

How many of these £5 coins do you have in your collection? Do you own one of the rarest £5 coins? Let us know via Facebook, Twitter or leave a comment below!

crown 1972The UK’s VERY FIRST Decimal Crown

Bring Back the UK £5 Coin for £5

1,000 lucky collectors have the chance to own the UK £5 for its face value - £5 for £5

1,000 lucky collectors have the chance to own the UK £5 for its face value – £5 for £5

£5 coins are the UK’s flagship coin. But since 2012, the Royal Mint has stopped offering them at face value. And we think that’s all wrong.

Which is why we’ve secured a stock of 1,000 NEW UK £5 coins struck to mark HM Queen’s 90th Birthday that we’re offering to collectors for their face value – £5 for £5.

First issued in 1990, £5 coins are usually reserved for commemorating Royal
occasions. But many others also commemorate significant British anniversaries, and they are a favourite among collectors because of their interesting designs and are viewed by many as one of the UK’s flagship coins.

Sign the Petition to bring back the £5 coin for £5

Unfortunately, a £5 coin hasn’t been issued by the Royal Mint for its face value since the Diamond Jubilee and Olympics in 2012. For us, and I’m sure other Change Checkers, this has been incredibly frustrating.

Which is why we’d like to see The Royal Mint offering the UK £5 for its face value again.

Do you agree? Click here to sign our petition to Bring Back UK £5 Coins for £5.

The ONLY way to own Britain’s new UK £5 for £5

Click here to find out how you can own the 2016 UK 90th Birthday £5 for it’s face value.
