Could the 2020 Team GB become the most sought-after 50p ever?

Issued as part of the 2020 Annual Coin Set, the 50p coin supporting Team GB at the Tokyo Olympic Games has quickly become the talk of the collecting world…

As the news broke that this year’s Olympic Games would be postponed until 2021, collectors were soon asking the question, “What will happen to the 2020 Team GB 50p?”

Despite being released at the start of the year within the Annual Coin Set, the coin is yet to be individually released. We now know that this too will be postponed, in line with the Olympic Games, meaning collectors will have to wait until 2021 for the individual release of the Team GB 50p.

Two versions of the Team GB 50p

Excitingly, this will mean that there are two versions of the coin – one with the obverse dated 2020 from this year’s Annual Coin Set and one with the obverse dated 2021 for next year’s individual release.

The reverse design by David Knapton currently depicts the individual Olympic sports accompanied by the Olympic Rings, the Team GB logo, the inscription ‘TEAM GB’ and the date ‘2020’. But will this also be updated to reflect the new date of the Games – 2021?

Already in high demand

Already, the 2020 version of the Team GB 50p is being listed on secondary market sites for well over face value, as collectors rush to secure this version of the coin.

In fact, it appears that collectors have removed the coin from Annual Sets and is seen selling on eBay for over £35.

Demand for the 2020 version of the Team GB 50p is sure to be high, especially as it is only available as part of the Annual Set, meaning far fewer will be minted than if it were individually released.

Olympic 50p craze

Olympic themed coins are no stranger to the limelight…

In fact, it was the 2012 Olympic 50p collecting craze which kick started many collector’s interest in the hobby.

Since then an estimated 75% of these coins have been removed from circulation by collectors adding them to their collection.

And so collectors were delighted in 2016 when The Royal Mint issued a special 50p to wish Team GB success for the Rio 2016 Games, considered by many to be the 30th Olympic 50p.

Team GB 2016 United Kingdom 50p BU Coin UKU01856.
2016 Team GB 50p

The coin’s obverse features a swimmer with the Team GB logo, the Olympic rings and the inscription ‘TEAM GB’. Designed by Tim Sharp, the coin has been officially endorsed by Team GB and celebrates the spirit of British Olympians – a must have for all Olympic 50p Collectors.

But now as the 2020 Team GB 50p takes centre stage, the coin collecting community has been sent into a frenzy once more.

I’m sure not only Olympic 50p collectors, but all Change Checkers will be really eager to secure this highly sought-after coin and will also be looking forward to the individual release of the updated version next year.

Own the 2020 Team GB 50p in the Brilliant Uncirculated Annual Coin Set

Don’t miss the opportunity to secure the sought-after 2020 Team GB 50p as part of the Annual Coin Set.

Own the set today in Brilliant Uncirculated quality for £40.00 (+p&p).

Bearilliant news – Rupert Bear 50p coins released on the Isle of Man!

Change Checkers on the Isle of Man are in for a real treat as, for the first time ever, Rupert Bear & co are featuring on new 50p coins – and we think they’re just bearilliant!

Rupert Bear was created in 1920 by Mary Tourtel as a cartoon for the Daily Express newspaper and his adventures continue up to this day, celebrating his 100th anniversary in 2020.

I’m sure many collectors out there will have fond memories of growing up with Rupert Bear and will be just as excited as we are by the release of these new 50p coins.

The world’s first Rupert Bear 50p coin

To celebrate this exciting centenary anniversary, the Isle of Man have issued the first ever Rupert Bear 50p coin.

2020 Rupert Bear 50p available in Brilliant Uncirculated, Coloured Silver Proof and Gold Proof quality

The coin is available in Brilliant Uncirculated quality and stunning .925 Sterling Silver, finished to a proof standard and featuring a full colour illustration of the famous bear, exactly as he appears in the classic comic strip series.

But for those collectors looking to secure something extra special, an incredibly limited amount of just 250 coins struck from 22 Carat Gold to a Proof finish are also available.

2020 Rupert Bear 50p obverse design by Jody Clark

The obverse of each coin features a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen designed by engraver Jody Clark and you’ll notice that this looks different to the obverse of our UK change due to the inclusion of the Queen’s shoulders within the portrait.

Coin collectors and fans of the British bear alike will be delighted with this coin, but the fun doesn’t stop there as Rupert has also been joined by his friends on a special set of five 50p coins…

Complete Rupert Bear & co Collection

2020 Rupert Bear Complete 50p Set in Brilliant Uncirculated quality

Each of the reverse designs feature some of the best-loved characters from the comic strip – including Rupert Bear, Podgy Pig, Bill Badger, Edward Trunk and Algy Pug.

And the best news is that this set is available in both superior Brilliant Uncirculated and stunning Silver Proof quality featuring full colour illustrations of these fantastic characters.

2020 Rupert Bear Complete 50p Set in Silver Proof quality featuring full colour illustrations

These sets are the only way you can own all five coins in superior quality, and that’s because none of the designs (aside from the Rupert Bear 50p) will be available to purchase individually.

Isle of Man Change Checkers are in for a treat!

Excitingly for those lucky Change Checkers on the Isle of Man, these 50p coins are legal tender on the island and an initial release of 25,000 of each design will be issued into circulation!

However, as collectors know, British Isles 50p coins like this rarely turn up in your change in the UK, making these 50ps some of the most sought-after circulating coins around.

What’s more, previous Isle of Man 50p coins have proved popular with collectors time and again, often selling for well over face value on the secondary market.

Some of the most popular Isle of Man circulation coins feature The Snowman and can be found selling for hundreds of pounds of eBay.

2003 Isle of Man Snowman 50p eBay sold listings

We’re sure that British Isles collectors will be quick to snap up the new Rupert Bear 50p coins, so keep your eyes out for them if you’re lucky enough to be on the Isle of Man.


The 50p has firmly established itself as the collector’s favourite and Silver Proof 50ps are known for their rapid sell-out history, making them some of the most sought-after issues around.

Not only this, the Isle of Man is renowned for their low edition limits due to the small population of just 84,000 inhabitants on the island.

Therefore it comes as no surprise that these coins are so very limited…

Just 4,950 of the Rupert Bear Silver Proof 50p coins and just 2,495 of the Rupert Bear Silver Proof Complete 50p Sets are available to collectors worldwide – a significantly low amount given the immense popularity of Rupert Bear for multiple generations.


Comparing Rupert Bear to the incredible Royal Mint sell-out success of the UK Gruffalo Silver Proof 50p which had an edition limit of 25,000 (more than five times the edition limit of Rupert Bear), you’ll understand just how sought-after these coins are going to be.

Sold-out 2019 Gruffalo Silver 50p

And of course, who could forget the phenomenal Peter Pan 50p coins released by the Isle of Man last year?

These magical coins had the collecting world spellbound, with collectors queueing on the Westminster Collection’s site for the chance to purchase the new coins.

2019 Peter Pan Complete 50p Set in Silver Proof quality featuring full colour illustrations

And so the message for anyone interested in securing the brand new Rupert Bear 50ps is to act quickly, particularly when it comes to those Silver Proof coins, as a sell-out is expected.

We think these coins are a fantastic tribute to Rupert Bear’s 100th anniversary and are simply adorable! But what do you think about this new release? Let us know in the comments below!

Secure the world’s first Rupert Bear 50p!

Click here to add the Rupert Bear 50p coin to your British Isles collection from just £6.25 (+p&p).

V for VICTORY! Brand new 50p coins issued by the Isle of Man to mark 75 years since VE Day

The 8th of May 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of VE Day – the day which signified the end of World War II and brought long awaited peace to our nation, as Victory in Europe was declared.

The many years of destruction and lives lost finally came to an end on that momentous day, and millions from around the world took to the streets to celebrate.

This year, celebrations will reignite for the peace so bravely won, as events planned up and down the UK will commemorate 75 years since the guns fell silent.

And to mark such an historic anniversary, a brand new set of seven 50p coins has been authorised for release on the Isle of Man by Her Majesty the Queen.

This remarkable new Victory 50p Set pays tribute to our nation’s soldiers, sailors and airmen as they began their journey home 75 years ago following the Allied victory which swept across Europe.

2020 Isle of Man Victory 50ps

Issued by the Isle of Man, each coin depicts a design and letter reflecting victory during this time, including:


The first coin features the letter V and depicts Churchill with his famous V for Victory stance. Excitingly, this is the first time Churchill has appeared on a 50p coin, although he has been honoured on no less then three UK crown coins.


The next coin features the letter I and shows citizens of the Isle of Man celebrating the end of WWII.


The letter C features on the third coin, which shows soldiers shaking hands in front of Trafalgar Square.


The next coin features the letter T and shows the HMS Dido Battleship returning home after the war.


This coin features the letter O and depicts Spitfires flying over St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.


The next coin features the letter R and represents the street party celebrations that took place when it was announced the war was over.


The final coin features the letter Y and depicts a moving scene showing a soldier returning home to his family.

Can I find these coins in my change?

Isle of Man 50ps are famously popular with collectors, especially as their mintage figures are so low, and these coins are no exception.

Initially 25,000 of each 50p will be entering circulation on the Isle of Man, so any British Isles collectors out there should keep their eyes out for these wonderful new coins.

Of course, British Isles coins do turn up in our UK change from time to time, despite the fact they are not legal tender in the UK, however I’m sure these coins will be quickly snapped up by Isle of Man collectors and so you’d have to be very lucky to come across one.

The best ways to own the Victory 50p Set

There are a number of ways to own the Victory 50p Set, which has been issued in Brilliant Uncirculated and Silver Proof quality.

The Brilliant Uncirculated coins are presented in a VE Day 75th Anniversary presentation pack – a must have for collectors of military commemoratives.

2020 Isle of Man Victory 50p Set in Brilliant Uncirculated quality

Just 2,020 Silver Proof Victory 50p Sets have been struck worldwide. The coins are struck to a Proof finish from .925 Silver with selective Gold Plating on each of the letters and come displayed in a luxury wooden case.

2020 Isle of Man Victory 50p Set in Silver Proof quality

What’s more, this is the only way you can own all seven of these poignant 50p coins in collector quality. Only the Churchill ‘V’ for Victory coin will be released individually.

Churchill V for Victory 50p coin

You can also secure the Churchill V for Victory 50p coin individually in Brilliant Uncirculated, Silver Proof or Gold Proof quality.

2020 Isle of Man V for Victory 50p in Gold Proof quality

With just 5,000 Churchill V for Victory Silver Proof 50p coins and only 250 of the Gold Proof coins, the strict edition limits really add to the collectability of these coins.

These 50ps really are a timeless tribute to the thousands of allied troops who fought tirelessly and sacrificed their lives to bring long awaited peace to our nation, and in this important anniversary year, they make for an incredibly poignant issue to commemorate 75 years since VE Day.

Secure your Victory 50p coins

Click here to find out more about the Victory 50p coins and add them to your collection >>