Is your spare change worth £500? Ebay Tracker reveals most valuable UK coins and banknotes

Could the spare change hiding down the back of your sofa be worth nearly £500?

Change Checker’s Ebay Tracker reveals the UK’s most valuable coins and banknotes, including the rarest 50p in circulation – the Kew Gardens.

King Charles III 50p, Commonwealth Games Northern Ireland £2, and Kew Gardens 50p - your spare change could be worth £500

This latest update reveals the highest basket value since the eBay Tracker began in 2017.

eBay Tracker reveals spare change could be worth £490

Is your spare change worth £500? Discover more on Change Checker's Valuation Index
Change Checker Valuation Index

We’ve seen the demand for coins surge since the sad passing of the Queen.

Collectors are rushing to fill the gaps in their Queen Elizabeth II coin collections and they’re definitely not wasting time in getting hold of the first coins King Charles III coins.

And it seems they’re prepared to part with a fair bit of money to get their hands on certain coins and banknotes…

Change Checker eBay Tracker listing UK’s most sought-after coins and banknotes.

In fact, if you’ve got all these coins in your collection, you could be sitting on £493! That’s a great rainy day deposit.

The biggest money-maker is of course the Kew Gardens 50p – currently selling for around £167 on eBay.

The Kew Gardens 50p - one of the most valuable coins in the Change Checker eBay Tracker.
Is your spare change worth £500? Use the Change Checker Ebay Tracker to discover more.
Kew Gardens 50p – the rarest circulating UK 50p.

It’s also worth keeping an eye out for a polymer £10 banknote with the serial number ‘AA01‘. These notes are currently selling for around £25!

And, the King Charles III 50p is already causing a flurry in the collecting world, as it’s fetching over FIVE times its face value! So, if you haven’t already, get checking your change for this 50p.

King Charles III 50p - recently issued in circulation and currently fetches £2.50 on secondary market site eBay.
Is your spare change worth £500? Use the Change Checker Ebay Tracker to discover more.
King Charles III 50p – recently issued in circulation and currently fetches £2.50 on secondary market site eBay.

So, how much is your spare change worth?

To discover more about the most valuable coins in circulation, continue reading here >>

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